When you love and care for your carpets, burn marks are the last thing you want on them. Besides utmost care burns marks happen on your carpets, and the sources can vary. The carpets burn can be a result of cigarette butts, flat iron, hair straightening iron, curling iron, burning candles, or hair dryers that can leave your carpets looking awful. And there is nothing much you can do to restore the carpets on your own. You certainly need professional assistance for carpet burn repair Haynes. The professionals of Carpet Repairs Restretching have every know-how of repair and restoring your carpets from burn damage. In cases of small burns, the carpet fabric can be cut with scissors from the least noticeable carpeted areas (along the wall or closet) and conceal the burnt part using glue. Whereas for the larger burns, the affected area is replaced with a new carpet piece and make it look like new once again. So, drop the ideas of trying DIY carpet burn repair at home and get our experts to work for carpet burn mark repair in Haynes.
Carpet Burn Repair Haynes
Here is the list of most common types of carpet burns.
Cigarette butts cause small burn marks on carpets. This is one of the most common kinds of burns your carpets come across. In this method, our professionals snip carpet fabrics from the areas where the carpeting is not visible and fix the burnt part using glue.
Iron leaves a big burnt mark on your carpets that can only be reversed using a patch from the existing carpet. This process requires expert assistance, who can ensure the fabric alignment and pattern match on the carpet. After carpet patching repair, we seal the edges to prevent fraying.
Another service we offer for carpet burn repair Haynes is Hair straightener and curling iron burns. Straightener and curler leave brownish back marks that can be restored using carpet patching. We use state of the art equipment to bond the patch to the carpet.
Professional Carpet Burn Repair Haynes
Wondering why opt us for carpet burn repair in Haynes? Below mentioned are some of the few reasons for your carpet repair and restorations Haynes.
We can come to your place within 2-3 hours of booking to serve and restore your lovely carpets.
Yes, we can repair and restore all kinds of burns on your carpets. The services we offer for carpet burn repair Haynes are affordable and effective.
Different types of burns damages require different treatment. Thus, for a fair quote, we need to inspect the carpets to figure out the amount of work to be done on your carpets.